On Sunday, 11/21/2010 at 01:04 EST, "Tracy, David" 
<david.tr...@nielsen.com> wrote:
>    We are ftping a variable length file from a z/VM 5.4 system ascii 
> to a windows based server. The receiving end is not getting the carriage 
> linefeed and the lines in the file seem to be wrapped. 
> Can anyone provide any ideas as to what may be the issue here?

"Divide and conquer."  Your network techs can get a line trace to verify 
whether or not VM is transmitting 0x0d0a (CRLF) at the end of each record. 
 If it isn't, then you look at the FTP transaction to confirm ASCII mode. 
(Unlike z/OS, z/VM does not have an option to translate data from EBCDIC 
to ASCII without insertion of CRLFs.)  If it *is* transmitting CRLF, then 
you have to look at the FTP server to see what's going on.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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