In my LISTS package on the download library, there is also URLIST, it
displays the whole spool in a FILELIST fashion, with various PF-keys to sort
the list.  By size is one of them (I doubt though that my sort by size knows
the size of open spool files).

2010/12/1 Scott Rohling <>

> Didn't see a question anywhere but -
> If spool is at 98% - you need to clean it up - quickly!   Use SPOOLPIG or
> SPOOLCHN tools from the z/VM downloads page and find out where the big files
> are.   A runaway or looping guest that is spitting out messages can cause
> spool to fillup as the console log grows ... something to look for as well.
> The INDICATE commands don't show any issues that I can see.
> Your subject is 'hanging when dialing z/OS guests'..   Are there consoles
> available to dial to?   Under z/VM - you need to ENABLE consoles to be
> available for dialing -- not sure what the equivalent is for z/OS.
> Scott Rohling
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:19 AM, George Henke/NYLIC <
>> wrote:
>> Able to logon to MAINT np, but Spool is 98%.
>> ind
>> AVGPROC-049% 01
>> MDC READS-000000/SEC WRITES-000000/SEC HIT RATIO-000%
>> Q0-00007(00000)                           DORMANT-00024
>> Q1-00000(00000)           E1-00000(00000)
>> Q2-00000(00000) EXPAN-001 E2-00000(00000)
>> Q3-00002(00000) EXPAN-002 E3-00000(00000)
>> PROC 0000-049% CP
>> LIMITED-00000
>> ind queues
>> SY92TEST      Q0 PS  00098545/00096481 MAINTSYS      Q0 R00
>> 00001440/00001067
>> VSCS          Q0 PS  00000150/00000128 SY91TEST      Q0 PS
>>  00129168/00129163
>> CFSRV02       Q0 PS  00017794/00017773 MPROUTE       Q0 PS
>>  00000246/00000225
>> CFSRV04       Q0 PS  00038478/00038457 CFSRV03       Q0 PS
>>  00000138/00000117
>> CFSRV05       Q0 PS  00009058/00009037 CFSRV01       Q0 PS
>>  00000618/00000597
>> VLINUX2       Q3 PS  00025072/00025058 VLINUX3       Q3 PS
>>  00043218/00043204
>> VLINUX1       Q3 PS  00038802/00038788 VTAM          Q0 PS
>>  00000421/00000395
>> SY90TEST      Q0 PS  00128934/00126872 SY79TEST      Q0 PS
>>  00131072/00131072

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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