Very nice, Peter....but this exec must be run from MAINT, correct?


On 12/01/2010 09:18 AM, wrote:
> Or if you want something a little more sophisticated, try this:
> /*                                                                     
> ***********************************************************************
> *                                                                     *
> *                    Toronto Transit Commission                       *
> *                                                                     *
> *        This program will display the output from QSYSOWN            *
> *        EXEC as a full screen.                                       *
> *                                                                     *
> *        Written by Peter Webb, August 14, 2002.                      *
> *                                                                     *
> ***********************************************************************
> */                                                                     
> address COMMAND                                                        
> "VMFCLEAR"                                                             
> "EXEC VMLINK * 193 (PUSH NOTYPE"                                       
> "PIPE",                                                                
>    "command EXEC QSYSOWN",                                             
>    "| browse"                                                          
> "EXEC VMLINK * 193 (POP"                                               
> exit                                                                   
> ** Summary Information:                                      
>                 Total-Pages                                  
> Type        Allocd       In-Use   %-Used                     
> ----------------------------------------                     
> SPOL        600840       150291     25.0                     
> PAGE       1802880       396558     22.0                     
> ** Detail Information:                                       
>                                      Total-Pages             
> Volser  Addr  Device  Type       Allocd       In-Use   %-Used
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> TTC001  3100  3390    SPOL            0            0      0.0
>                       PAGE            0            0      0.0
> TTC007  311F  3390    SPOL       600840       150291     25.0
>                       PAGE            0            0      0.0
> TTC008  3080  3390    SPOL            0            0      0.0
>                       PAGE       600840       128530     21.4
> TTC002  3040  3390    SPOL            0            0      0.0
>                       PAGE            0            0      0.0
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
> Behalf Of Dave Jones
> Sent: December 1, 2010 10:12
> Subject: Re: Hanging when dialing z/OS guests
> Hi, George.
> To monitor the system spool file usage, use the command:
> You'll get an output display like this:
> q alloc spool
>                 EXTENT     EXTENT  TOTAL  PAGES   HIGH    %
> ------ ---- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ----
> 540SPL 8001          1       3338 600840 137082 154361  22%
>                                   ------ ------        ----
> SUMMARY                           600840 137082         22%
> USABLE                            600840 137082         22%
> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 08:46:20
> Have a good one.
> On 12/01/2010 09:09 AM, George Henke/NYLIC wrote:
>> ty, Scott
>> Our z/OS staff is looking at VTAM.
>> It may be a z/OS VTAM issue.
>> It fits the crime.
>> But there does not seem to be any CP Query command that shows SPOOL
>> utilization.
>> There is Q MAXSPOOL for files but that does not even show utilization.
>> But ty for the download references.
>> I will go there now.
>> *Scott Rohling <>*
>> Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>> 12/01/2010 10:02 AM
>> Please respond to
>> The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>> To
>> cc
>> Subject
>>      Re: Hanging when dialing z/OS guests
>> Didn't see a question anywhere but -
>> If spool is at 98% - you need to clean it up - quickly!   Use SPOOLPIG
>> or SPOOLCHN tools from the z/VM downloads page and find out where the
>> big files are.   A runaway or looping guest that is spitting out
>> messages can cause spool to fillup as the console log grows ...
>> something to look for as well.
>> The INDICATE commands don't show any issues that I can see.
>> Your subject is 'hanging when dialing z/OS guests'..   Are there
>> consoles available to dial to?   Under z/VM - you need to ENABLE
>> consoles to be available for dialing -- not sure what the equivalent
> is
>> for z/OS.
>> Scott Rohling
>> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:19 AM, George Henke/NYLIC <
>> <> >
> wrote:
>> Able to logon to MAINT np, but Spool is 98%.
>> ind                                                          
>> AVGPROC-049% 01                                              
>> XSTORE-000001/SEC MIGRATE-0000/SEC                          
>> MDC READS-000000/SEC WRITES-000000/SEC HIT RATIO-000%        
>> PAGING-1/SEC STEAL-000%                                      
>> Q0-00007(00000)                           DORMANT-00024      
>> Q1-00000(00000)           E1-00000(00000)                    
>> Q2-00000(00000) EXPAN-001 E2-00000(00000)                    
>> Q3-00002(00000) EXPAN-002 E3-00000(00000)                    
>> PROC 0000-049% CP                                            
>> LIMITED-00000                                                
>> ind queues
>> SY92TEST      Q0 PS  00098545/00096481 MAINTSYS      Q0 R00
>> 00001440/00001067  
>> VSCS          Q0 PS  00000150/00000128 SY91TEST      Q0 PS
>>  00129168/00129163  
>> CFSRV02       Q0 PS  00017794/00017773 MPROUTE       Q0 PS
>>  00000246/00000225  
>> CFSRV04       Q0 PS  00038478/00038457 CFSRV03       Q0 PS
>>  00000138/00000117  
>> CFSRV05       Q0 PS  00009058/00009037 CFSRV01       Q0 PS
>>  00000618/00000597  
>> VLINUX2       Q3 PS  00025072/00025058 VLINUX3       Q3 PS
>>  00043218/00043204  
>> VLINUX1       Q3 PS  00038802/00038788 VTAM          Q0 PS
>>  00000421/00000395  
>> SY90TEST      Q0 PS  00128934/00126872 SY79TEST      Q0 PS
>>  00131072/00131072  

Dave Jones
V/Soft Software
Houston, TX

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