Not necessarily, there is LOGONBY. They need only know their own passwords.

Should anyone have full authority including all the passwords? If so, who?

Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Alan Altmark
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Vswitch Grant as a CMD in User's Directory?
> On Wednesday, 12/08/2010 at 03:11 EST, RPN01 
> <> wrote:
> > But, should you have to have an external security manager 
> for a system
> where
> > the majority of users are disconnected guest operating systems?
> Yes.
> > Most of
> > today's z/VM systems have a bare minimum of real human users. CP is 
> > the security manager for us, and it's sufficient to control the wild
> ramblings
> > of, oh, say, the four people who need access.
> Those four people know all the passwords.  There is no 
> accountability and no plausible deniability.  You have de 
> facto password sharing, something I have yet to see 
> countenanced by any IT organization.

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