I know that this question has come up numerous times in the past, but
I'm don't recall ever seeing a consensus on it.  I know that z/VM needs
expanded storage.  However, deciding how much is the trick.

We will be moving to a z10 early in the new year.  I'm trying to decide
how to divide the storage.  If an LPAR is going to be running a lot of
Linux guests (some of them quite large), is it better to put as much storage
into main as possible with a small expanded....or cut back on the amount of
main and put it towards expanded?  I've done the former in the past.  However,
we now have a lot more Linux servers than ever before, some of which are
running pretty heavy apps, like Oracle.  The current LPAR does do a lot of
paging to expanded and disk.  While there will be more storage on the z10, it
isn't a lot amount more.

So, for example, if I have 35G to use for 1 LPAR, would it be better to
define 30G main and 5G expanded or 25G main and 10G expanded?


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