On: Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 07:59:23AM -0800,Tom Huegel Wrote:

} Does anyone have a clue as to what this hard wait code is? ..
} 000a00000000000f.
} I can't find this one in the messages and codes book?
} It is probably a configuration error of some type.
} It happens at IPL.
} And yes I did make  many changes..

I don't have a messages and codes book handy, but forget the "a" and
look for CP wait state 15 (x'f').

Rich Greenberg  Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 941 378 2097
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero & Casey (At the bridge)        Owner:Chinook-L
Canines: Red & Cinnar (Siberians)  Retired at the beach  Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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