Maybe you can stop by Quebec and get Ann Maries plastic bat for prottection. 
Good luck 

----- Original Message -----
From: John Franciscovich []
Sent: 02/16/2011 05:43 PM EST
Subject: Re: z/VM 6.2 release date?

> Folks who attend John Franciscovich's presentation on SSI/LGR at SHARE can
> try to make him reveal what he knows.  Just surround him and poke him with
> sharp sticks.  See if he'll squeal.  ;-)

Things to do before I leave for SHARE:

1. Self-defense training
   a. Bananas            - check
   b. Raspberries        - check
   c. Citrus and sangria - uh-oh - is there a lesson for that? Maybe the
                           raspberry defense will work
   d. Sharp sticks       - SHARE won't allow those in the room (or will
                           they?). Wear running shoes just in case.

2. Have my session moved to a room with a 16-ton weight - check

3. Re-think who my friends really are (see sharp sticks, squeal)
                         - in-progress

4. Rehearse rehearse rehearse - "Anything I say I know or I think I know
                                 may change at any time before, during,
                                 or after I say it or think it ...
                                 or it may not"

John Franciscovich

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