Is a logical cpu equivalent to a physical cpu? I realize that the h/w now has multiple physical cpus, but I was brought up on System/360 and never have quite grokked how it is all controlled and accounted for!


Rob van der Heij wrote:
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Ackerman, Derek
<> wrote:

I am simply summing the total CPU times for each CP, for my report I keep them 
separate, here is an example.

I believe you're confusing virtual CPUs with logical CPUs.

The CPU number in your account record is for the virtual CPU of the
guest (with exception of the SYSTEM record). A virtual CPU is not tied
to a logical CPU, so your UNIPROD's CPU 00 gets dispatched on logical
CPU 00, 01 or 02 as z/VM likes.
It is even possible for a single virtual CPU to consume more cycles
than the average of any of your logical CPUs (when it hopped from one
to the other).


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