I have one of those "is there ever any situation when ... would not be a 
good default" questions, and I need the help of VM-savvy minds capable of 
perverse and twisted logic. I can't imagine a better place to find them 
than this list. (Yes, that was intended as a compliment.)

As you all know, DMSCGR and DMSCSR are CSL routines which retrieve and 
set, respectively, the values of REXX variables. The default behavior is 
that the variable name passed is searched for directly in REXX's list of 
variables, exactly as passed. Optionally, the caller can ask that the name 
be both translated to upper case and that REXX perform variable name 
substitution on it before looking for it.

(Since REXX doesn't care about case in variable names and some quick 
experiments confirm that passing mixed- or lower-case names without this 
option isn't productive [except of non-zero return codes], one could 
reasonably ask why the name is not always translated to upper-case. I 
think it's a very valid question, but more or less irrelevant to my 

In situations where everyone involved knows which behavior is desired, the 
choice between substitution or not isn't an issue. But if there's a 
situation where an end user will create REXX execs which pass a variable 
name to a program which will then retrieve or set it via these routines, 
it's more problematic ... or maybe not, if one or the other behavior is 
obviously preferable.

Can anyone think of a situation in which you would *not* want substitution 
performed on the variable name passed? Typically, the whole reason you use 
compound REXX variables is to get that. But the writers of these routines 
didn't make that the default, so I want to know if there's some obvious 
situation we're missing where you wouldn't want it. (We've come up with 
one exotic case involving REXXVARS, but it's not one that seems likely to 
occur. In fact, it seems like the writer of the exec would almost have to 
be out to get you to code it that way.)



-- Steve Marak
-- sama...@gizmoworks.com

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