The next Hillgang is scheduled for March 16 at the CA Offices in Herndon. So
far we have the following topics and speakers confirmed:

Lynn Wheeler - A History of VM Performance

Lynn will present a quick historical perspective on VM performance,
beginning in January of 1968 when he started work on CP/67.  He will touch
briefly on queue management, page thrashing controls, feedback algorithms,
microcode assists, page I/O subsystems, multiprocessor support, shared
segments, CP pathlengths, CMS file systems, virtual guests, page replacement
algorithms and how many of these areas evolved over the last twenty years.
Systems covered will be CP/67, VM/370, VM/370 Resource Manager PRPQ, VM/370
Speaker Bio: 
I began work on CP/67 while an undergraduate at Washington State University.
I joined IBM at Cambridge Scientific Center in 1970.  I worked primarily on
CP & VM operating system technology and algorithms while at Cambridge.
While at Cambridge, I released the VM/370 Resource Manager. I transferred to
IBM San Jose Research in 1977.  I continue to work primarily in the area of
SCP software.  Recently, I have been responsible for the SYSPAG changes that
were released with  VM/HPO3.4 and CMS Paging Access Method that are part of
VM/PC release 2.. 

Romney White - IBM zEnterprise Unified Resource Manager Overview - The Value
for z/VM

At the last Hillgang Richard Lewis introduced the z/VM Implementation of
URM. Today, Romney will deeper look at some of the technology and attempt to
address the following areas:
- How it would be used in a couple of different circumstances:
- Migrating external blades/servers to the new environment;
- Once all the pieces are in place how do they play together, in particular,
if I¹m a z/VM-z/Linux shop how can I share data with the zBX entities?
- What type of control over the resources do I have from the different
places ­ HMC, z/VM, z/Linux, blade?
- What (other) problems is it solving?
What additional software will I require?

Neale Ferguson - Some Interest Technologies You Should be Looking at

- ZeroMQ (0MQ) - an open source library of APIs that allow you to create
light-weight message queuing applications without the need for a full broker
- Alfresco - an Open Source Content Management System that supports CMIS
standard that allows documents to be added and manipulated programmatically.
A simple case study involving jobs from z/OS being converted to PDF and
archived will be described
- NoSQL - a misnomer that should be NoRel: an alternative to relational
databases that require no schema. An introduction to the Sones graphdb will
be used to illustrate this technology


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