Let me gently nudge you away from apologizing for the USA and rambling on -
moderator or not.

It's enough to say this forum is for technical discussions - not politics,
religion, sports, or other interests.   The SSA discussion is certainly way
off topic, but I think you just went off on your own rant.  IMHO.

Let's just forgive, forget and move on..

Scott Rohling

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:59 PM, IBMVM Moderator

> "And now, a word from our moderator..."
> Ladies, Gentlemen, dearest colleagues:
> Allow me, if I may, to offer a gentle nudge back toward the stated topic of
> the list.
> Many of our fellow travelers on this list are - as hard as this may be for
> some of the audience to believe - citizens of nations other than the USA.
>  Like many of you who are US citizens, I have my own well-reasoned,
> insightful, passionate opinions regarding the energetic hi-jinks displayed
> by the entirety of our duly elected government.
> That being said, I must beg all of you to please bear in mind the
> following:
>    - This forum is intended to serve as a vessel for all things related to
> z/VM.  Should the US SSA choose to implement solutions to their IT
> infrastructure problems which leverage this technology, I am certain that
> many of us will be positively giddy with joy.
>    - This is not an appropriate forum for the airing one's political
> opinions.  To do otherwise is to abuse the hospitality of our gracious host,
> The University of Arkansas.
>    - With respect to our colleagues who are not resident in the USA, may I
> suggest that discussions of US political theater in this forum are, at
> worst, vulgar displays of family drama in front of guests.  At best, this
> behavior is comparable to holding our innocent and hitherto-unsuspecting
> companions hostage in a small enclosed space while airing your (no doubt
> well-founded) opinions regarding the intellectual superiority of one's
> grandchildren, the intimate personal details of recent medical care
> experiences, or the ethical / moral shortcomings of the new neighbors.
> Although the hapless targets of these epiphanies may bear this rudeness
> with apparent good grace, I am compelled to speculate that they are
> vigorously scrambling about the interior of their own minds, desperately
> laboring to choose which of their own limbs they could best discreetly gnaw
> off in order to effect an escape from further conversation.
> In brief:  Kindly stick to the nuts and bolts of the technical issue
> presented for discussion.  Pithy witticisms regarding the surrounding
> political infrastructure are not germane, and thus would be better directed
> to practically any venue other than this one.  Your extreme cleverness is
> already obvious by simple virtue of your presence on the list, and need not
> be further displayed to the rest of the class.
> Your irascible yet lovable moderator,
> -dan.
> Daniel P. Martin -- IBMVM List Janitor
> modera...@gizmoworks.com / dmar...@gizmoworks.com

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