If you are part of the VM community or just a "wanna-be VMer", you should  
visit the _www.vmworkshop.org_ (http://www.vmworkshop.org)   web site and 
get registered for the upcoming VM Workshop.  Several of your VM "friends" 
have been working hard to put this event  together. This year's "rendezvous" 
will be at Ohio State  University's Union in Columbus Ohio.  For those of you 
new to the VM  Workshops, all the funds coming into the event go towards the 
event ! !  We  are currently pulling together topics for sessions and the 
interest  level has been great.
Register now and miss the rush  ! !   That also goes  for any organization 
wishing to sponsor the event.  There are only 5  sponsorship slots left and 
there is only one(1) sponsorship  level.   Check the web site or send an 
email to _WorkshopVM@aol.com_ (mailto:worksho...@aol.com) .

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