Hi, friends.
I put a new package on the zVM downloads page (my debut): CLONEBKP. 
I hope it is useful to you.
For who will use it: suggestions, improvements or bugs found, are all 
Follow the description:

"CLONEBKP is a REXX exec that create an IPLable copy (CLONE) of the 
running ZVM system.
This package uses DDR to copy the specified dasds of a running zVM system 
to FREE dasds. After the copy, the new dasds are renamed to a new volser, 
based on a prefix (3 or 4 letters), and the exec updates the source and 
compile USER DIRECT into the new dasds. Also update the new SYSTEM CONFIG.
The new set of dasds is a backup of the original zVM and can be IPLed 
without duplicate volsers.
If DIRMAINT is logged at original VM, a new USER INPUT is also created.
The new volsers (6 positions) are the prefix padded with the remainder 
letters of the original dasds, right justified. 
Ex. Using "BKP" as prefix, the new "610RES" will be renamed to "BKPRES".
One file, CLONEBKP CONFIG, is supplied as a model how to specify the 
prefix and the Input/Output dasds. Is possible to keep several CONFIG 
files, with different configurations.
Also, there are a model of one machine to test IPL in second level: VMBKP 

Best regards,

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