Greetings and Nice work!

I definitely plan on stealing (borrowing) a couple of your routines.

Your process is similar in many respects to what we do here (though your code 
is much prettier).

Ours flash-copies the CP volumes with the savelabel parameter to our backup 
disk volumes every night and we then DDR the copies off to virtual tape for DR 

These newly copied volumes are owned by a second level VM userid and are easily 
IPL'able as I've set up a special System Config on the third extent (maint CF3) 
to point at these copies as my CP volumes.

I've also used &SYSRES in my user directory in a few places so that maint will 
get access to his needed volumes no matter what they are named.

Once the system is IPL'd (either second level or first), I run an xedit from 
maint to change the remaining cp mdisks in the directory to their new names and 
put the directory online.

Once this is done, a quick change to autolog1 to recognize the new system name 
and I can bring up the rest of my service machines and users can log on.

That's the gist of it.

The best part is I can bring my DR system up second level whenever I want with 
very little effort.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Rogério Soares
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: CLONEBKP: New package at zVM/downloads

Great Package Big Clóvis, we already using it ;)  Thank You!!

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:45 PM, 
<<>> wrote:
Hi, friends.
I put a new package on the zVM downloads page (my debut): CLONEBKP.
I hope it is useful to you.
For who will use it: suggestions, improvements or bugs found, are all welcome.
Follow the description:

"CLONEBKP is a REXX exec that create an IPLable copy (CLONE) of the running ZVM 
This package uses DDR to copy the specified dasds of a running zVM system to 
FREE dasds. After the copy, the new dasds are renamed to a new volser, based on 
a prefix (3 or 4 letters), and the exec updates the source and compile USER 
DIRECT into the new dasds. Also update the new SYSTEM CONFIG.
The new set of dasds is a backup of the original zVM and can be IPLed without 
duplicate volsers.
If DIRMAINT is logged at original VM, a new USER INPUT is also created.
The new volsers (6 positions) are the prefix padded with the remainder letters 
of the original dasds, right justified.
Ex. Using "BKP" as prefix, the new "610RES" will be renamed to "BKPRES".
One file, CLONEBKP CONFIG, is supplied as a model how to specify the prefix and 
the Input/Output dasds. Is possible to keep several CONFIG files, with 
different configurations.
Also, there are a model of one machine to test IPL in second level: VMBKP 

Best regards,

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