Well, as has been mentioned ages ago here: when you IPL with an override for
CONS, the list of consoles in SYSTEM CONFIG is replaced by the overide.  So,
if after an IPL with override VM is restarted (with SHUTDOWN REIPL or after
an abend), and at that time that console isn't theren, you get wait 1010.
(you get the override by typing CONS=xxxx in SAPL or coding CONSxxxx as

Some other point: the SYSC is always there: at first level it is on the HMC,
at second level, the first level VM simulated the SYSC on the logon screen
(and you use #CP VINPUT to respond).

2011/6/21 Michael MacIsaac <mike...@us.ibm.com>

> Hi,
> This thread has brought up a question in my mind  (maybe it's a dumb one,
> but I'll ask it anyway :))
> Assumptions:
> 1) This is the default value for Operator_Consoles in the SYSTEM CONFIGfile 
> (and probably most shops do not delete or change the last two entries):
> Operator_Consoles     0020 0021 0022 0023 0E20 0E21 1020 ,
>                       System_3270 System_Console
> 2) System_3270 == the Integrated 3270 console == the mnemonic "SYSG"
> 3) System_Console == the Operating System Messages window == the mnemonic
> "SYSC"
> As I understand it, the Operating System Messages window is always
> available to each LPAR.  So if it is in most "path"s for z/VM to find a
> console, why should we ever see PSWs of 1010?  Shouldn't z/VM always find
> the Operating System Messages window as a last resort? (I must have one of
> my assumptions wrong, because we do see "1010"s).
> Thanks.
> "Mike MacIsaac" <mike...@us.ibm.com>   (845) 433-7061

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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