a few of us from the NYC area are planning on going to the VM Workshop on 
our own dime and we are planning to CarPool as well.
I have already registered as well - I am older than most, but younger than 
some of you. 


From:   Mike Walter <mike.wal...@aonhewitt.com>
Date:   06/24/2011 11:49 AM
Subject:        Re: VM Workshop -  Session Grid Now Available
Sent by:        The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

The 1986 VM Workshop was at U of Kentucky (the only one I attended).
1987 was at Brigham Young.
Wasn?t the Asilomar workshop dedicated to REXX?
BTW? Mongo?s geezer (I resemble that remark!) comment just caused me to 
register for the 2011 VM Workshop at Ohio State.  The company won?t pay 
for me to attend SHARE right now, and it?s too rich for my wallet.  But I 
can manage the drive from the Chicago suburbs and the VM Workshop expenses 
on my own.  Now? where can I set up my tent?  ;-)
Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Michael Harding
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: VM Workshop - Session Grid Now Available
Well my first was at Asilomar in 86 (I think) or 87. I remember Rich's 
being there, but not you; though I do recall you from others.

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support

(925) 926-3179 (w)
(925) 323-2070 (c)
IM: VMBearDad (AIM), mbhcpcvt (Y!)

> From: "Kent E. Taylor" <email...@stny.rr.com>
> I think I've been to all the Workshops from the first one at Waterloo 
> through 1989's one at U of Arkansas.  I recall Maine, Wichita State, 
> and Michigan State as well as Waterloo and Arkansas.  I think there 
> might have been at least one more, but I can't think of it just now. 
> Senior moment, doncha know....
> Kent "Mongo" Taylor

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