
Isn't there an SPF macro package in the VM Download Library? In the old days of IGS in Tampa we had a lot of folks that had the same problem you have and I know I saw it resolved more than once. But maybe none of those solutions found their way to the Library (sigh).


Phil Smith III wrote:

You're actually trying too hard: your macro should just look at QUEUED() and
see if there's something stacked.

This is a crude example, because you probably want to do more than just a
"LOCATE *" for a M (like EXTRACT /SCREEN and divide by 2, then make it 'COMMAND * -'n
or some such), but:

if queued() > 0 then pull op
else op = ''
if abbrev('MAX', op, 1) then 'COMMAND LOCATE *'

BTW, are you trying to do an SPF-ish environment in XEDIT? If so, please
contact me off-list -- I'd be interested in helping. Not that I think SPF is
better*, but I understand that the fingers get trained (now that I'm doing
z/OS, I find myself doing FIND instead of / in XEDIT and KEDIT sometimes!),
and it's been something that folks have talked about for a long time.


* Insert religious editor war here

-----Original Message-----
Bob <>
Subject: XEDIT Macro and Command Line Input

I'm struggling trying to write an XEDIT macro and hoping someone can help=
over a tiny stumbling block.

I want a pfkey set to a macro.  ie. SET PF6 BEFORE MACRO SCROLL

And I want to be able to accept an *optional* command line parameter.

If there is always a command line parameter I seem to be able to use
"READ CMDLINE" to get it.  However, this does not seem to work=20
when there is no command line parameter at all.  I just get hung
at the "READ CMDLINE" until I hit <enter>. Also, when there is a
parameter I not only what to read it, but I want to "consume" it so that
it is no longer on the command line after my macro.

Is there a way to do this?

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