>>>>> "Vernon" == Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Vernon> What am I supposed to understand from these missives, except that those
    Vernon> responsible should not have subscribed to the IETF's or any network or
    Vernon> computer professional mailing list?  I've seen very similar messages from
    Vernon> some of these individuals many times over the last months months and I
    Vernon> think in one case, years.

  Yes, I brought this up to the IESG last June wrt revising RFC1123. drums
can not for good reasons work on this at this time. In June, I got "attacked"
by Intel's mail server as retribution for posting to the pci-sig mailing
list. (over 45 vacation messages from one posting)
  PCI professionals all seem to that particular mail system.
  That was June. I refrained from posting to the mailing list during July 
and August.
    Vernon> There are the 3Com junk, the far too familiar missive from Germany, and
    Vernon> the 5 "Internet Mail Service" spam.
    Vernon> How about automatically unsubscribing anyone who is so ignorant or uncaring
    Vernon> to use whatever MUA that adds the "X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service" header?

  I'm considering simply starting an RBL-type list that lists the IP
addresses of mail system that use such a thing. 

]  In San Diego, on the way to N+I Atlanta           |gigabit with big ACLs is[
]   Michael Richardson, Solidum Systems              |    no problem with     [
]     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.solidum.com              |     PAX.port 1100      [
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

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