Starburst published an ID a long time ago which I remember reading.  But,
I don't think it became an RFC and I don't have a pointer to it (and the ID
has long since expired).  (I might be wrong about the RFC.  It is worth

    Are you looking for specific product information or ideas on the concept
in general?  My company makes a satellite based product called Package
Delivery which you should be able to get info about from our web site
(  For general information, the Reliable Multicast Transport
( working group is
currently working on standardizing reliable multicast file transport


Mark Atwood wrote:
> ISTR reading an RFC or ID awhile back about using multicast to
> distribute files to many hosts from a central server via
> multicast. But I'm having no luck today with the search engines, and
> can't find it again.
> Can anyone post a pointer?
> --
> Mark Atwood   | I'm wearing black only until I find something darker.

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