On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Ole J. Jacobsen wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Keith Moore wrote:
> > > Why aren't we using something like a RealAudio stream?
> > please no.  PowerPoint is bad enough.  the last thing we need is
> > another thing to bias IETF away from open systems.
> >
> Last I checked, the basic player is free, and implementations exists for
> all the major platforms, which would put it on par with PDF/Acrobat reader
> in my book.

Free as in beer. It's heavily encumbered with Intelectual Property, and
liscensing issues. try and get a non-back-channel multicast liscense from
real for anything other than your intranet.

With h.261/pcm and mpeg-1 you should be able to implement a client for
your platform of choice without stomping on someone elses IP to hard, in
practice clients are already available for most platforms, or can be built
there with a modicum of effort.

> Open standards is a fine thing, but you have to have some implementations
> and common use before it really matters.

Can't argue there. but we do have the implementations.

> And let's not forget what the
> goal was: allow people to remotely participate (for some value of
> "participate").

> Ole

Joel Jaeggli                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Academic User Services                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of
arms.  Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
the right, 1843.

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