> From: Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    > You don't need to add it to all (or most) IPv6 implementations.

More hair-splitting...

    > The goal ... is not to magically make all boxes and apps suddenly be
    > able to communicate with both IPv4-only and IPv6-only hosts as if there
    > were no difference between the two. 

So you're willing to live with the converse of that? I.e. a situation where
communication between the two groups is spotty and unpredictable?

    > Enterprise network management will continue to evolve and they'll see
    > the benefits of using v6. 

A familiar prediction...

    >> Either this functionality is added to .. IPv6 .., or the IPv6/v4
    >> NAT boxes .. will display the same crippling problems as v4/v4 NAT...

    > No, because (a) you're not trying to impose this on all hosts or apps,
    > ... and (c) you engineer these boxes from day one in such a way as to
    > avoid the crippling problems we've experience in v4 NAT.

I see no refutation of my basic observation, here.

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