On 8/25/2011 3:52 PM, Doug Barton wrote:

> Including only the hotel costs may (I haven't crunched the numbers) be
> providing a very distorted view of the situation. In order to get the
> whole picture you have to include the meeting fees and air fare, at
> minimum.

As I believe has been mentioned, hotel costs and meeting fees are
intimately related.  Air fares, of course, vary with locations, both
that of the meeting and of the individual participant.  For example, if
I booked a round-trip to Taipei today, I could pay ~$300 but I had to
search rather desperately to find a flight to QC for less than $2000
(both coach fares).  That is one salutary effect of the current
scheduling scheme, IMHO: it seems to spread the pain of airfare around a
little bit...
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