For Mike, Marshall, and for others who might be noodling on this ...

I hesitate to suggest this, but its probably time:

Let's add a position to the IESG - Executive Vice-Chair or Co-Adjutor Chair. Basically, either the chair's personal representative (Executive Vice-Chair) or their replacement in waiting (Co-Adjutor Chair).

In addition to about a billion other responsibilities, Russ is actually on the hook for the responsibilities we're discussing because he was selected by NomCom to be the

- IETF Chair,
- IESG Chair, and
- General Area Director

Mike is suggesting a change for the IESG Chair responsibility. Marshall (earlier in this thread) suggested a change for the General Area Director responsibility.

I'm not offering an opinion about these proposals (or other proposals that someone might suggest), but it might be helpful to consider all three responsibilities as a set, when considering these proposals.

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