>>    "current:  The field is in current use
>>     deprecated:  The field is in current use but its use is
>>        discouraged"
>> The difference in "current use" can end up being problematic for the
>> designated expert.
> A number of registries are using this wording already and there's been no
> objection to date.  Do you have a better suggestion?

I suggest, "The field might still be in use, but its use is discouraged."

>> In Section 6:
>>   "Security issues with respect to these reports are similar to those
>>    found in [DSN]."
>> The reference to DSN could be normative.
> Security Considerations are never normative, so I'm not sure I agree that 
> this should be.

It should.  Just because the Security Considerations section doesn't
usually use normative language doesn't mean that it's not normative.
People reading the document and implementing the protocol certainly
have to read and understand the Security Considerations section, along
with any transitive sections in other documents.

Barry, MARF co-chair
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