Thanks for the response!

On Sep 21, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Pete Resnick <> wrote:


>> -- same paragraph : "The UTF8 command MAY fail."
>> Under what circumstances? (this seems sort of tacked onto the 
>> paragraph--does it belong there?)
> AFAICT, it is simply a warning to client writers that the server may (for 
> whatever reasons under whatever circumstances) send back an -ERR response to 
> the command, even if it advertises the capability. Seems appropriate.
>> -- 2.1, 4th paragraph: "...need not be accurate, but it is preferable if 
>> they were."
>> Not preferable enough for a SHOULD? (Note that the previous sentence used 
>> SHOULD for reporting actual message size counts)
> There is no interoperability impact regarding sizes in STAT and free-form 
> text (unlike LIST), so SHOULD is inappropriate.


>> -- section 7, 3rd paragraph: "It is possible for a man-in-the-middle 
>> attacker to insert a LANG command in the command stream, thus making 
>> protocol-level diagnostic responses unintelligible to the user."
>> This seems a bit unnecessary to call out, given that a MiTM could just 
>> change the diagnostic responses into Klingon even in the absence of the LANG 
>> command. It's at least worth mentioning that the LANG command really doesn't 
>> make this issue worse than it already was.
> Taken under advisement.
> pr
> -- 
> Pete Resnick<>
> Qualcomm Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102
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