In Section 2.1, I would add in specifically-inappropriate criteria:

        - Accept an I+D for the merely fact to have a more structured
discussion in the WG.


On 02/12/2012 16:47, Dave Crocker wrote:
> On 11/28/2012 8:00 AM, Adrian Farrel wrote:
>> I led the discussion in the WG Chairs lunch at IETF 78 on this topic.
>> Slides at
> Folks,
> There is now an Internet Draft, based on Adrian's's slides, intended to
> document common practice in the adoption of working group drafts:
>> Title:   Creating an IETF Working Group Draft
>> Status:
>> Abstract:
>>    The productive output of IETF working groups is documents, as
>>    mandated by the working group's charter.  Working groups develop
>>    these documents based on initial input of varying levels of maturity.
>>    An initial working group draft might be a document already in wide
>>    use, or it might be a blank sheet, wholly created by the workiing
>>    group, or it might represent any level of maturity in between.  This
>>    document discusses the process of creating formal working group
>>    drafts that are targeted for publication.
> Although it is not intended for a standards-track or bcp publication, it
> would be helpful to have discussion that moves the document to represent
> good agreement among the community.
> d/

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