--- On Wed, 21/4/10, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2. The non technical (Marketing) side wants to be Shri
> Vijay Mallaya.
> Surprisingly no girl wants to be <Whatshername>
> Biotech Queen.
> Kiran Majumdar (sp?), besides her there are quite a few
> female role models.
> I agree with Asokan's view point having organized quite a
> few meets
> (professional as well as social).   There
> are lots of suggestions on
> what to do (do audio/video recording and put it on the web
> in so and
> so format) but when there is a call for volunteers
> everybody steps
> back.  Sad to note, at most of the meets I have tried
> to get the
> younger generation involved but found no takers;  they
> come to one or
> two meetings and then drop out  with "too busy" with
> their careers.
> So a message to all those who have suggestions  -
> provide a means to
> execute your suggestions and do not expect the organizer to
> carry the
> torch all the way.   Remember the organizers
> may have limited/no
> access to the kind of resources to execute your
> suggestions.
> My pata paise.

There is a famous kural 
சொல்லுதல் யார்க்கும் எளிய அரியவாம்
சொல்லிய வண்ணம் செயல்.

Roughly translates to

To say(suggest) is easy for anybody, but it is difficult/rare
to do as said/suggested.

LUG is not starved of ideas, it is starved of physical volunteers.


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