Dear Community,
        This is Narendra Sisodiya, from Freedom House. I am sending this
mail which came from my student, Siddarth. I am feeling very proud on him.
He has done a very good and remarkable job. He is doing his btech currently.
He went back to his old schools with Linux based Operating system. Lets
celebrate his success.
         Please write you me what you are doing and what you want to do.
Lets create a great momentum of FOSS advocacy. I request everyone of you to
go back at your schools and tell them to un-install all pirated version of
Software. Install and give demo of Linux based Operating system.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: siddharth srivastava <>
Date: Thu, May 20, 2010 at 2:31 PM
Subject: hello
To: Narendra Sisodiya <>

hello sir

I was not able to reply you regarding the blog entry you asked as my exams
are going on.
Here's a brief of it.

Last month i went to my school to meet my teachers. There I found favourite
teacher who taught us Informatics Practices(we had only that option for
computers at my school time).
When I entered the Lab, ma'm wasn't there and I just started interacting
with the student who were having there class there. The discussion slowly
headed towards open source and Linux stuff. It made me wonder that just a
name Linux made them excited. Most of them were interested in linux but
feared that it's tough and you need to learn too many commands to work on
it. Some of them were familiar with Linux(Ubuntu OS in particular) but most
of them imagined linux as a black screen with no fantasy options at all.
Till then ma'm had arrived and I told them about the scenario and requested
her to allow me to give a small demo. Well, as expected she agreed. Luckily
I always keep a live cd in my bag, so in the next hour I presented them with
all the features of linux( mostly non technical though) such as synaptic
package manager, games, inbuilt open office and most importantly that it is
free, virus free, you virtually don't need to buy anything that you need for
Secondly, as the students were quite interested enough and excited they
turned the discussion towards  FOSS. After explaining all stuff about FOSS,
the most exciting part cams. I presented before them the source code of many
softwares (even simple C++ editors) which were written in Java and C++ (I
chose these as they are learning these in school it was more appropriate to
get them in FOSS).

I installed Ubuntu on 3 PCs myself and asked the students to install on the
My teacher got so impressed(she had used it earlier but wasn't so
comfortable) then asked me to do the same for school's office. So next day,
I installed it in the office also with ubuntu server on one PC and
internetworked them all. Everything is now getting on linux there now. Oh i
forgot to mention that principal's office is also on a dual boot with
fedora. Well over a month now, no problems at all and most importantly I
didn't hear office people complaining that there computer have crashed(the
reason I used to hear when I was a student there [?])

Note: Sirif some data is inappropriate or not of any concern you can cut or
modify any of the part if you wish. I have written this to give an idea what
i have done (not a very big thing but got a satisfaction that I have done


Siddharth Srivastava

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