On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Narendra Sisodiya
<naren...@narendrasisodiya.com> wrote:
> I personally "hate" this kind of sarcastic attitude. If you do not
> like his post, then discard it, no need to blame for this whole
> digital life style.. why don't other ilugc member writing this to BALA
> for discoursing and commenting in a  bad way, If this continue the
> nobody will post here..

First of all, thanks for writing, I was wondering about the same thing
- how come no ilugc member replied to this email. Tomorrow is Pongal,
so most of them will be in their home towns - this might be one of the

> So you need not to put a stroke at his head and say
> that he must become RMS in 60 second..

That would be a bad thing, I won't dare do that to *any*one.

> Leave everything, you can never object why somebody
> use some technology..

Oh, I didn't object to him at all, I was only trying to point out that
google search is not the only way the data is stolen - Facebook and
Twitter and Gmail are traps as well. Just like how he was reasoning
with Google and DuckDuckGo. (childish argument: If you think that I
was objecting then I can say the same to him!)

> All you can advice him or ask reason to do it..

That's exactly what I was did in my reply.

> Try doing same thing
> with a window user from last 4-5 years for adopting Gnu-sense or
> Debian.. in the same tone..

I agree that my tone was sarcastic - apologies for that. Didn't mean any harm.

The point is, this is not 1985. RMS lived in a different world,
Telling users that 'don't use that technology because your privacy
will be compromised' won't work anymore because as you pointed out -
we live in a digital world. Total number of facebook users is so
freaky that Nobody has to *pay* google to get your data, its available
for free - willingly (and proudly) displayed by ourselves in our
facebook and twitter accounts.

Its 2011, - technology is everything. FOSS community is officially
been alive for more than 25 years. Its time we mature and stop this
'Viva la Revolucion' attitude & show the world that we are superior by
technology, by service, by innovation and not by 'ooh they're bad -
come to us' slogans. Being the angry young man of the technology world
worked for us in the 90's and early 00's but its time we grow up.
Microsoft was the bad guy in the 90's, now the fashion is to bash
Google, a time will come when Facebook/Apple/<insert the next big
thing/> will become the villain for us - FOSS heroes. I'd be
disappointed if this continues forever. Thanks for reading.
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