On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 18:17 +0530, Manoj Kumar wrote:
> I have posted just one or two queries to this list. Genuinely
> speaking, I
> did get some answers but not though the solutions. And also some
> *fear* and
> a chance to get corrected before posting to a list. 

why should fear prevent you from posting? When you are new you *will*
make mistakes - and hopefully get corrected and learn from it. If you
never post you will never make mistakes and will never learn anything.
The first time you bat in a cricket match, do you think that the bowler
is going to spoon feed you with slow full tosses because you are a
newbie? And if he did will you become a better batsman?

> I am not sure,even after going through the mailing list etiquettes, if
> posting replies to two different posts in a same reply is right or
> wrong,

wrong - you should have posted on both. The general rule is that a post
should contain precisely *one* issue and it is bad practice to
amalgamate replies to more than one post in a single post.

> but I'm just going to post this, so that someone might correct me if
> this is
> wrong.

the above may be a bouncer, but I hope that you will face it rather than
complaining to the umpire that the bowler is being unfair ;-)

Coimbatore LUG rox

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