On Jan 1, 2009, at 4:07 AM, imaclist group wrote:

> == 8 of 8 ==
> Date: Wed, Dec 31 2008 8:17 pm
> From: Gizmo
> Dan,
>   Is that the Apple website..?   For as long as I've run  W's....  was
> very disatisfied,  went to several versions of Linux,  the my son  
> bought
> a top of the line Mac, he too fed up with the W thing.  My  Diminsion
> 3000  310 he is selling,   and I bought a poor Apple G-3, thinking it
> was good theft protection,  the neighborhood I live in... and it was
> good to learn on.   I am a master of crashes.  I many times sit up all
> night on the computer, fall asleep.. .where strange things happen  
> that I
> cannot do in real life.  My beauty of a little Imac is chugging along
> beautifully, all 500 Mhz of her... but I've lost some of my  
> programs...
> and amazingly some of my icons, are albled with zeros or slashes...
> making them worthless.  Course I've tried to help, making it even more
> apthetic...I guess..?  I'm ...really not that stupid.... or mayby I
> am.   My son tells me to not be dishearted, he's telling me to just  
> look
> at it as a learner, he's looking for a Mini mac...!   Course that's
> great.. but I love my G-3 and need to learn on it first, and share it
> when I move over if I ever do..?  Any help is appreciated,   
> constructive
> critizm is accepted...and appreciated, after all I just love a  
> Mac... I
> believe it's my journey's end.   Lyle/Gizmo
> Dan wrote:
>> At 4:11 PM -0600 12/31/2008, Gizmo wrote:
>>> Dan, where do you find Apples Disk Utility ?   I'm new to Mac... old
>>> windows hand.... and I hav lost some of my files too...!  Lyle
>> /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.app
>> Or a spotlight search should find it also.
>> - Dan.


Not the Apple website.  Dan is telling you to look deep into the  
Applications folder which contains the Utilities folder.  He assumed  
that you are running one of the later versions of OS X.

But you may be running OS 9 which gives you a different ball game.   
Your iMac G3 500 MHz originally came with OS 9.0 or 9.1 and possibly  
included the very earliest version of OS X (10.0.4) which was no good  
for general use.  It would help us help you if you identify your  
specific model iMac at this web site where you will see three  
different versions from 2000 and 2001:

Tell us what OS you are running.  What applications you have been  
using.  What icons are messed up.  And did you get a set of CDs when  
you bought the iMac.  If so, what OS does it give you.  Also, please  
start a new thread with your own new subject line in this e-list so  
that we do not mix your situation with someone else's problem.   
Lastly, note that I am posting my reply at the bottom.  As folks  
respond, it helps us to keep questions and comments going from top to  
bottom of the message in sequence of time.

Al Poulin

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