On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Tom Coradeschi <tc...@skylands.ibmwr.org> wrote:
> At 04:28 PM -0500 03/08/2009, ./aal wrote:
>>On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 7:02 AM, Tom Coradeschi
>><tc...@skylands.ibmwr.org> wrote:
>>>  At 02:36 PM -0600 03/07/2009, ./aal wrote:
>>>>On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Bruce Johnson
>>>><john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:
>>>>>   On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:19 AM, ./aal wrote:
>>>>>>   I am definitely not a new user, but have not seen my own posts for
>>>>>>   some time.
>>>>>   Your posts have been coming through. Go to groups.google.com and log
>>>>>   in, you can set the 'send me my own postings' setting for each list
>>>>>   you're on.
>>>>OK Bruce, silly question time
>>>>I can't find where to activate echoing my posts back to me in the
>>>>group settings.
>>>  On the googlegroups page, you can modify your profile to enable one
>>>  of four modes of subscription:
>>>  No Email - read this group on the web
>>>  Email - send each message as it arrives
>>>  Abridged Email - send a summary of new activity each day
>>>  Digest Email - send all new messages in a single daily email
>>>  You may have to ask the list mods to do it for you if (like me), you
>>>  are not subscribed using your gmail address (one of the major flaws
>>>  in google groups, if you were to ask me my opinion and yes, I own 4
>>>  google groups of my own).
>>>  --
>>>  tom coradeschi
>>>  tc...@skylands.ibmwr.org
>>I know about those settings, none of which apply to the issue at hand
>>maybe google.groups simply does not echo posts from gmail addresses
> It does.
> --
> tom coradeschi
> tc...@skylands.ibmwr.org

Since you are sending from a non-gmail domain, I figure that is why
you see your posts echoed back to you.

I send from a gmail.com address and have never seen my posts echoed to
me from any google.group

I'm a PC(x86 AND ppc)
Linux is like ice cream. It comes in many flavors and everyone has
their favorite, but we all get the same smile regardless of which we
choose to scoop.
Woody Allen  - "As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' --
probably because it's so hard to figure out ...

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