Are you sure? I know Mac OS has had sleep/wake features since OS 7 or  
something. It's probably in a different spot, if I had any of my old  
Macs with 10.2 I could check on that... Anyone still running 10.2?

        -Elliott Price
Mac Computer Repair - Santa Barbara
Graphic Design - Artwork Setup
Websites - Low Cost Custom Websites

On Sep 17, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Christian Wacker wrote:

> well. I've run into a few problems
> first off, the PRAM battery is dead
> secondly, there isn't an automatic startup\wakeup setting under  
> energy saver.
> it does have iCal, but i'm not sure what to do with it yet, i'll mess
> around with that later.
> thanks for the help so far, and here's hoping that this project will  
> work out
> **offtopic** I do have a real alarm clock, and I don't like it. the
> local radio stations aren't the greatest, and they never play the
> music I listen to. my iDock style Alarm clock got mis-placed in the
> move, and i'm without it for quite a while.
> thanks
> -christian
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Elliott Price < 
> > wrote:
>> Yeah, you can set it to wake/start and sleep/shut down at certain
>> times in the energy saver preference, just click on "Schedule..." and
>> you can set it. (I'm pretty sure this works the same in 10.2 although
>> it might be a little different) As for logging in, if you're logged
>> into the computer while it went to sleep, it'll wake up and already  
>> be
>> logged in. If it's off, you'll have to turn on automatic login in the
>> Users pane, I don't see any other way to get it to log in, since it
>> can't run programs or anything when it's not logged in.
>> Umm as far as getting iTunes to play... Not sure. If 10.2 has iCal,
>> you can set an alarm for a few minutes after you have it start
>> (allowing time to start up). I haven't messed with it much, but in
>> iCal I'm pretty sure you can configure it to do something, perhaps  
>> run
>> a script. (I'm pretty sure Automator scripts don't work in 10.2...)
>> Perhaps someone here can find/write a script that would give iTunes
>> the Start command, and Play command. Or, if you want to set iTunes to
>> start up on login, you'd just need a Play script. I have had a
>> *little* bit of AppleScript experience, and I don't think it would be
>> that hard. If I have some time, I might see if I can script something
>> up that does that. (But don't count on it... I probably won't be able
>> to get it to work lol)
>> There are alarm clock apps, as Nestamicky suggested, but I think they
>> cost some money. You might look into something like that.
>> I found that just having my computer wake up in the morning woke me
>> up, just from the brightness, and the noise of it waking up. So you
>> might just see if that's enough to wake you up before you buy an  
>> alarm
>> clock, or try to find a script. (I have a white Core 2 iMac, I'm sure
>> the CRT of the G3 turning on is much louder)
>> Hope that helps,
>>        -Elliott Price
>> Mac Computer Repair - Santa Barbara
>> Graphic Design - Artwork Setup
>> Websites - Low Cost Custom Websites
>> On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:06 PM, Christian Wacker wrote:
>>> Forgot to mention: OSX10.2.8
>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:02 PM, nestamicky <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 09-09-16 09:58 PM, Christian Wacker wrote:
>>>>> Is there any way to make it wake up at a certain time every  
>>>>> morning,
>>>>> and have it log me in and start playing a song on iTunes?
>>>>> if not, is there any way to make it do that with software?
>>>>> -Pizzaboy192 (Christian W)
>>>> Sure you can. I'm not on my mac now so I can't walk you through it,
>>>> at
>>>> least to make it startup and log you in. But go to the power
>>>> management
>>>> panel on Preferences and you'd find it. As regards getting it to
>>>> play,
>>>> there's Alarm Clock Pro which does a bunch of stuff, including
>>>> running
>>>> scripts, when the alarm goes off. Others here might have
>>>> suggestions for
>>>> a free app. I suppose someone might even guide you to an automator
>>>> script that may do this. I'm watching this thread to see  
>>>> responses to
>>>> those points.
> >

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