Thanks to all who responded!


On Nov 26, 1:40 pm, Clark Martin <> wrote:
> Christian Wacker wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Wolfman <> wrote:
> >> It is a high pitched whining noise.
> > then you're good!
> > High Pitched Whining is common for older drives, but it doesn't mean
> > dead, heck, my old laptop still works with it's 4gb hdd... whines
> > worse than a 2 year old, but still runs just fine.
> We had a server with two 4Gb SCSI drives in a raid.  Those suckers
> sounded like a bloody power saw.  The other guy who worked around them
> and I would make a gesture like we were operating a radial arm saw when
> the drives get particularly noisy.  I still have the drives somewhere.
> AFAIK they still work, I just don't want to use them because of the
> noise (and that they are only 4Gb).
> --
> Clark Martin
> Redwood City, CA, USA
> Macintosh / Internet Consulting
> "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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