You should be getting CS5 adobe stuff. Forget Tiger (10.4 and Leopard (10.5)... switch to Snow Leopard 10.6) pronto. But make sure your old adobe stuff will run on Snow Leopard (just google 'cs3 snow leopard' for example)

Go to
You can get all manner of Mac stuff at decent prices there. I bought memory, an external hard drive and an external burner.

You said: "specs that 10.4.8 is the minimum OS needed."
The higher the number, the most recent the software is... kinds makes sense, right? So if you have something higher, like 10.4.11, that'll work. In other words 'minimum' really means 'equal to or greater than'

Re backing up, I use CDs, DVDs and an external hd... I can't be bothered with Time Machine, I do it all manually. I back up important stuff every day to the external HD, and then burn to CD/DVD every couple of weeks (you should back up to more than one form of media since you never know when any given hard drive is going to die. Also have duplicate back-ups in more than one location... in some other residence I mean

Kathy K wrote:
I'm trying to do my homework before making a purchase, and I'm just ending up befuddled, and wondering if some kind folks on this list can clear things up for me.

I am running 10.4.11
2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2 GB Memory
Hard Drive Capacity: 232.57 GB, Available: 116.82 GB

I use this computer for graphic design/illustration, family photos, and internet-based games (social facebook kind of games).

I would like to get an external drive to back up all my graphics work and photos. I've been looking at the Seagate FreeAgent drives (1TB-2TB) but I'm seeing in the specs that 10.4.8 is the minimum OS needed. Is this just for the purpose of using TimeMachine? Or do I need 10.4.8 just to dump files on the drive?

Also, it seems any external drive will work with a Mac, it's just a matter of reformatting if it's a PC drive—correct? But do I really have to by a Mac drive to make use of TimeMachine? Will TimeMachine not recognize other Mac-formatted drives?

I was mainly looking at Seagate because of the 5yr warranty, decent reviews, and Mac compatibility. What other drives should I consider?

I would like to upgrade to 10.5 Leopard and perhaps later 10.6 Snow Leopard. Couldn't I get one of these drives now, manually back up files to it by drag/drop, then upgrade to 10.5 and begin using TimeMachine then? Because a lot of my stuff is not backed up anywhere, I do want to back everything up before doing an OS upgrade.

Along with the OS upgrade, I'd also like to add 2 GB Memory, as this computer can be pretty sluggish. I currently have 1 GB in each of the two banks—so that means buying 2 new 2 GBs to replace the 2 1 GB.

I have also considered upgrading the external drive (faster and larger) but don't know what to do there.

I don't have loads of $ to spend, and also need to know that my graphics software is going to be compatible with the OS upgrade. (Adobe CS3, and InDesign CS2, Quark 7, Freehand MXa—yes, the suite needs upgrading and yes I'm still attached to Freehand.)

If you've read all the way through—I thank you. If you're considering a reply—I thank you doubly!

Kathy K

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