To me, part of this is emotional.  I loved my bondi-blue 233 rev B
Imac, and only "upgraded" after Alladin's Spring Cleaning program
wiped out part of my hard drive. Since the hard drive was so small, I
upgraded to the last of the Motorola chip Imac's - which broke down
under AppleCare before the 3 year term was up.  It was then replaced
under AppleCare for an Intel-chip IMac, which I am currently using. My
original beloved bondi baby had 128K of ram added when I purchased it
new from MacZones, which made it run really well for everything I did
with it.  It did run games that were not supposed to run on it, such
as Bushfire, and I played Jazz Jackrabbit a lot, plus several other

My bondi baby did break down between years 3 and 4, and was fixed
under the extended warranty that I purchased from MacZones - I have
complained to Apple often that they should offer a long extended
warranty, when I buy a new computer I want a relationship - where I
know I will not have to buy another new computer for quite a while. I
did have my screen set to do black after a few minutes, saving wear on
the screen, and always had it hooked up to a good APC back-up UPS.

I love these old babies - I still have a "imac" alarm clock from the
day, and an original IMac "yum" poster on the wall -

San Diego area

On Jul 23, 4:18 am, Run Vzel <> wrote:
> Topic: G3/233 worth the restore?
> Yes and no.  Get the parts for free, have time to kill, and yes.  Anything
> else, no.
> >> leo <> Jul 09 12:41AM -0700
> >> I bagged an original Rev A Bondi-blue G3 off ebay to find it was worth
> >> well less than their original asking price.
> Always pays to check out the COMPLETED AUCTIONS listings on eBay or a big
> city's Craig's List postings to determine actual market value.  In Seattle,
> people GIVE these away.  I just picked up FIVE in one day.  Will make
> excellent gifts for friends to give to their kids, etc.
> >> I could manage to
> >> refurbish it, but I'm reluctant to spend any more money on it
> Good.  Refurb it, but spend nothing.  How?  Ask for the parts on CL and your
> local Freecycle group.  LEM swap is a dim possibility, but a lot of folks
> there sell the old stuff thinking they're supposed to make big bennies off
> it.
> >> Screen image is off center and I cant find any adjustment
> It's a software adjustment in preferences.
> >> Hard drive is missing
> Then you don't have access to preferences because you don't have on OS
> loaded.  You need an HD with an OS loaded to muck around with adjustments.
> I have an 80gb you can have for $40 plus shipping.  Show me a picture of
> your install disk to prove you're doing a legal install and I'll pre-install
> your OS for you if you can't do that at home.  That could be useful--read on
> to see why.  OR, you should be able to find 20 - 40 gb IDE units for free or
> pocket change.  Check out Freecycle, Craig's List, or your local computer
> recycling depot.  Almost any IDE drive will work, even ones from toasted
> PC's.  Just blank, reformat and install.  Don't have a working Mac to rock
> all that with?  Borrow one.  Again, check with listed resources.
> >> CD Drive is feeble, and spins up only if held pressed in, and the
> >> computer doesn't seem to register the OS 9 disk once it does spin up.
> OK, so the optical drive is toast.  Pre-install the OS on the HD you're
> going to install via another machine (as I could do for you as mentioned
> before, or as you can do if you have a spare HD and another CPU.  Or,
> perhaps someone would be willing to do that for you for free if you provide
> them with your own HD), then change out the optical at the same time.  Get a
> new optical for free from the resources named above.  Or screw the optical
> drive once you have the OS loaded, and just use a USB drive.  Or...dump the
> whole thing and get a free Firewire iMac.
> Honestly, you want an iMac with Firewire to be halfway useable in the modern
> get target disk mode and the ability to load 10.4 with Firewire
> and that makes a world of difference for internet use, iPod linking, etc.
> etc.  You want a free Firewire iMac?  Pay me for shipping and packing and
> two hours of my time and it's yours.  Live in Seattle?  Buy me lunch, tell
> me some funny stories, and pick it up free.  Or find one via Freecycle,
> Craig's List, or your local computer recycling center or non-profit refurb
> center.  Seriously, I pick up free iMacs, iBooks and even Pismo's and
> Powerbook G4's that way all the time--4 - 10 a year.  All needed heavy
> refurb but all made great gifts to deserving pals or needy kids.
> Run in Seattle

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