Good Afternoon & Happy Weekend to All!!!

Thanks X 1000 = a thousand Thanks for your help, suggestions, hints and ideas!

My 20" iMac USB2 is now the proud owner of a 24x DVD-RW, with 2gb RAM, AND a 
500gb HDD!

It was all thanks to the tremendous help from Tina and Jim!

Thanks again & thanks to all on this list!


J R Rosen
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
  do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
  and He will show you which path to take.
                        Proverbs 3:5-6
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Jim Scott <> wrote:

> On Aug 26, 2010, at 1:01 PM, J. R. Rosen wrote:
>> As far as the thermal paste, I have heard not to over-do putting it on, but 
>> there needs to be enough the seat the parts together for proper cooling.  
>> And to definitely not block the cooling "shafts" that are in those blocks, 
>> or pads that conduct the cooling.
>> The thermal paste I purchased is GELID Solutions Thermal Compound.  The 
>> feedback from purchasers was really good, so I chose this as it comes with a 
>> little spatula to spread the compound.
>> Any secrets in applying the paste to where it doesn't seep into the cooling 
>> ducts?  I haven't opened it up yet, waiting for the parts and the time, so I 
>> don't know how big or small those duct holes are.  I guess you could roll-up 
>> a small piece of paper and put it in the hole, then let it expand to size, 
>> then paint the paste around that.  I don't know, but am open to your learned 
>> suggestions.
> Yep, just a little dab of the thermal paste will be all you need. And don't 
> worry about "cooling ducts." There's no such thing where the thermal paste is 
> applied. 
> What you will see when you take the bottom case away from the top (pull it 
> gently toward you and then rotate it down from the "top", and make sure the 
> optical drive door is rotated to the right about 90 degrees first) is that 
> you have to disconnect a bunch of cables and wires in order to separate the 
> bottom part with the logic board, etc. from the top or dome part. Note 
> carefully how all those cables are routed before you start disconnecting 
> them. Be warned that in your model it is difficult to remove the video cable 
> from the logic board. Why? There is a black cap over the actual connector 
> which keeps the connector firmly in place. It is glued to the logic board 
> with sticky tape-type stuff. You have to carefully pry the black cap up and 
> off the board without damaging anything around  it before you can disconnect 
> the video cable. My advice would be to disconnect everything *but* that video 
> cable, then put a wadded up towel or something similar under the logic board 
> assembly to take the stress off the video cable. You may have to rotate the 
> dome part to get the right and least stressful position. You'll find that 
> will give you enough space to get to everything, and you'll save yourself a 
> major headache and prevent posssible damage. 
> With the bottom of the computer resting on the towel, look at where the four 
> T-15 bolts come through the bottom case. You will see that the bolts go right 
> through the two pads where old thermal pads/paste/film needs to be removed 
> and replaced. You will not see any "cooling ducts." You will see an enclosed 
> cooling "pipe" leading from the cpu area over to both pads. That pipe is 
> filled with a material that facilitates rapid transfer of heat. So don't 
> worry about using anything more than a small ball of thermal paste on each 
> pad. Spread it thinly until each pad surface is coated. Keep in mind that 
> only a very thin coat is needed to fill the microscopic hills and valleys of 
> the two mating surfaces on each pad.
> Enjoy!
> -- Jim
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