On Oct 15, 12:12 pm, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
> On Oct 15, 2010, at 7:13 AM, a1 wrote:
> > Followup: I decided to delete the network preferencepane from the
> > system library. I thought it would rebuild itself on restart. How do I
> > restore it in a simple way?
> <internet cop mode/>Step away from the keyboard, sir and/or madam!</ic>
> Give us some time to respond, before racing off and doing things you half 
> understand.

In truth I was doing a lot of different things: I had just installed
Tiger and then ran this buggy security update. I tweaked the network
settings in anticipation for connecting the tower to the imac,
including enabling sharing.  I then tested the base station but using
my ibook. It did not occur to me that the imac would pick up a
remembered device from a base station it has never been connected to.

When the network system preference started freaking out and looping
this "Your network settings have been changed by another application"
in a manner I could not stop, I assumed somehow the imac  was virus
infected or otherwise hacked. I have been on macs since my color
classic running 7.1 and never once has an OS control panel ever
freaked out on me like that. I thought I would delete the network
preferences but instead by mistake it was the preference panel---this,
after I logged in as root and discovered the problem manifested there,

So that is how and why I panicked. I understand that there is a
convoluted fix to the common "Your network settings have been changed
by another application" problem from this 10.4.11 security update.

I do have Onyx, and if that can reveal where the preference pane is on
the Tiger Install disk, I can reinstall just the pane I believe.

> Connecting the iMac and the G4 can be done with the aid of the ABS; simply 
> connect the local ethernet port to the G4 and connect the iMac via the wifi.
> Or more simply, just connect the two with an ethernet cable. Both systems 
> have autosensing ethernet ports and will connect directly without needing a 
> crossover cable.

On this point though: I did physically connect the iMac to the G4
tower via a standard ethernet cable prior to these problems, but
nothing occured. What is supposed to occur, because I did not see
either computer on the desktop of the other.

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