> I am using a gateway spamassassin with Mailscanner. The problem is every
> user would like his own individual preferences stored.
> So I was looking if there was a way I could use sieve to fork
> spamassassin per user with the user name and the prefernces stored in
> Mysql database.

I didn't do it with Sieve.  I have Postfix using procmail as my LDA, which
filters the incoming mail through spamd, then delivers into Cyrus using
(Debian) cyrdeliver.

Here is my /etc/procmailrc.  I'm not good at procmail, so YMMV.

SPAMC="/usr/bin/spamc -u $USER"

## Trim out From: since Cyrus doesn't like it one bit
| /usr/bin/formail -I "From "

### Spam Assassin


### Deliver it to the user inbox

:0 w

:0 w

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