On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 06:46:53PM +0200, Sven Mueller wrote:
> Gerrit Pape wrote on 05/08/2005 21:33:
> > On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 01:18:54AM +0200, Sven Mueller wrote:
> > In the postgrey run script the 'test -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
> > checks for the existence of the mysql socket, and the postgrey service
> > daemon is not started until it's there (better would be to actually try
> > to connect to the socket).
> So runit doesn't implement dependencies, only the run scripts do. I

Well, bummer, if after all it works for the services.  How to give
better feedback to the admin, or convenience through tools that
add/remove, enable/disable services plus dependencies, just requires
some better organization of the dependency information.

> Mostly: If postfix doesn't terminate just because postgrey crashes, it
> will keep accepting connections and deny them temporarily. However _if_
> a service terminates, it will obviously only get restarted once its
> dependencies are fulfilled again.

You can easily tell runit about this special dependency, add 'sv term
postfix' to the ./finish script of postgrey, if you really want postfix
to be disabled while postgrey crashes.

Regards, Gerrit.
Open projects at http://smarden.org/pape/.

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