
Regarding the following point:

On 3/28/2017 9:36 AM, Templin, Fred L wrote:
> 19) Section 4.3.3, third paragraph, I thought it was said earlier
>     that all ingress/egress pairs must support the same MTU. I
>     thought we agreed earlier on that that multi-MTU subnets
>     don't work. So, I think it should say that all ingress pairs
>     MUST support a uniform MTU.
The cited section allows for ingress/egress pairs that don't support the
same MTU, but then says that the MTU used for that set is the minimum of
those MTUs.

There's no way (short of configuration management) to ensure that
ingress/egress pairs MUST support the same MTU, but no real value to
requiring that - AFAICT, we just use the min across that set (which is
what that section says to do).

So yes, we do not *use* different MTUs per-destination, but we don't
need to require it AFAICT.


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