
Call for Papers

Theme: Values
Subtitle: Continuity and Change
Type: 3rd Ischia International Festival of Philosophy
Institution: Cultural Association InSophia
   International Center for Philosophical Research of Palermo (CRF)
   Department of Visual Arts, University of Toronto, Mississauga
Location: Ischia (Italy)
Date: 23.9.–1.10.2017
Deadline: 1.5.2017


The Cultural Association InSophia, together with the International
Center for Philosophical Research of Palermo (CRF), University of
Toronto, Mississauga (Dep. Visual Arts) and the cultural association
NapoliFilosofica, backed by the Association G. Sadoul, the Italian
Institute for Philosophical Studies, the University of Palermo and
FISP (International Federation of philosophical Societies) proudly
announce the third edition of the Ischia International Festival of
Philosophy 2017 - “La Filosofia, il Castello e la Torre.” The
festival will take place in Ischia, the largest and many say most
beautiful island in the Gulf of Naples, from the 23th of September to
the 1nd of October. Its main locations will be the Aragonese Castle
and the Guevara Tower, surrounded by the green sea of Ischia Ponte
and the wonderful Garden “La Mortella.”


“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one
another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1, Paris, 1948)

“Lupus est homo homini.”
(Plautus, Asinaria)

The Good, Beauty, Truth, Justice, Equality, Freedom, Power, Safety,
Dignity, Brotherhood: these concepts are the focus of the new edition
of “La Filosofia, il Castello e la Torre – Ischia International
Festival of Philosophy 2017.” Last year’s topic was
Relations-Mediations, and it seems only natural to go on focusing on
the topic of Values, an essential aspect of relations.

“Value” is the nexus between theory and praxis; it is what allows one
to recognize the continuity or discontinuity between them. As a
result it is also one of the core questions of philosophy: especially
now, with the demographic and technological revolutions reshaping our
society, we need to rethink the values that are guiding our practical
and moral lives. We need to discuss the power of philosophy and
theory to actually contribute to the public sphere, especially in a
multicultural and highly diversified setting. Our main concern is the
disparity between theory and actuality: we have models and values,
but can we say that these values are fully effective today in the
realm of the social?

One often considers values to be universal truths. Yet today we
increasingly feel an urge to focus on our ability to share the public
space and to accept values different than our own. Values can be
endorsed by institutions, parties, spiritual leaders and by
individuals, by all of us. Values bring us together, and they also
threaten to separate us in the antagonisms that they nevertheless
generate. Values provide us with a sense of belonging, and yet they
can also justify the hatred we might feel for our enemies. Values, in
other words, play a paradoxical role in our existence. Perhaps it is
time to ask ourselves whether values are actual guidelines for the
lives we lead, or whether they are merely the excuses we adopt in
order to justify our actions in the world.

So, we want to know: what is the meaning of our constant struggle
around values? Today, in the age of social media, our urge to fight
for what we believe to be true and just has become even more evident.
We need approval, and therefore we decide to endorse or to reject
values: but what are values?

Without values there would be no culture, no language, no
civilisation. Values are our totems; they are the keywords that shape
our collective and individual identities. And yet, we also feel the
need to find (or create) new values, values that can guide us in a
new era, with new problems and challenges.

The ultimate question is: what is the value of values? Every person,
every culture represents a value that has to be recognized and
preserved. Preserving the value of values means first of all to
recognize the need to accept and welcome difference. After the advent
of Nihilism in our culture, our relationship with values has become
even more complex. Shall we evaluate or trans-evaluate? What kind of
contribution can we give as philosophers to the contemporary public

These will be the main topics of this year’s edition:

- The relationship between values and society. Is society the supreme
authority over values? Is there a conflict between moral law and
public law, objective and subjective spheres?

- The meaning of the term “value.” Do values actually exist, or are
they just something man creates in order to justify his own will to
reach power? Are values fictions?

- Truth as fundamental value: is it a universal and eternal concept,
or does it depend on the historical setting? Can there be more than
one truth?

- Was Kant right when he stated the existence of a universal moral
law? Is moral law a necessary means of human existence, or – as
Nietzsche suggested – an obstacle to our evolution?

- More generally: why values? Why do they exist? Why do they
contradict each other? Who decides which values have to be effective?

- What would a life without beauty actually consist in? To what extent
can any of the choices we make be understood as independent of our
aesthetic sensibilities? If beauty once described a spontaneous
feeling of pleasure that gave way to a vision of truth and good that
could not be fully rationalized or grounded in any objective rule we
know, can we in fact pursue collective political change without it?  

Conference Sections

1) Ti esti? What is value?

This section of the festival will encompass proposals that intend to
focus on the notion of “value” in general or on the meaning of a
specific value in the history of human thought, from a philosophical,
scientific or religious point of view. Papers belonging to the
following research areas are welcome:

- History of philosophy
- History
- Literature
- History of science
- History of religions
- Cultural anthropology
- Sociology

2) Theory of Values

This section of the festival will encompass proposals that intend to
offer a theoretical/critical analysis of the notion of value in
itself. Papers belonging to the following research areas are welcome:

- Theory of values
- Ethics and practical philosophy
- Ontology and phenomenology
- Philosophy of language
- Hermeneutics
- Critical theory
- Political philosophy
- Philosophical anthropology

3) The value of values: their utility and applications

This section of the conference will encompass proposals that propose
and/or engage with normative models based on the notion of value or
on one or more specific values (e.g., normative models of ethics,
politics, or morality). Papers that undertake a critical discussion
of one or more values on the basis of contemporary society are also
welcome. Papers belonging to the following research areas are welcome:

- Ethics and practical philosophy
- Political philosophy
- Theory of values
- Critical theory
- Political sciences
- Psychology
- Sociology and cultural anthropology
- Media theory

4) Art and values

In this edition of the festival, special attention will be given to
the nexus between arts and values. This section of the event will
encompass proposals that aim to discuss this nexus and art’s ability
to convey normative ideas at the level of content, to criticize or to
promote them. Papers dealing with the relationship between beauty and
politics, with the meaning of beauty for human life and for our own
moral choices, are also welcome. Papers belonging to the following
research areas are welcome:

- Aesthetics and philosophy of art
- Art history
- Archaeology
- Classical philology
- Design studies
- Sociology
- Media theory

How to Send a Proposal

Please send proposals (maximum 500 words) and a brief biographical
statement to <ischiafilosof...@ricercafilosofica.it> or to
<mirelliraffa...@gmail.com> by 1 May 2017.

The biographical statement (maximum 10 lines) must be included in the
body of the e-mail, in the document of the proposal or in a separated
document. Please send all documents in .doc or .odt format. Please do
not send files in .pdf format.

Every speaker will have 30 minutes (discussion included 10 minutes).
Presentations can be held in Italian or in English. It is also
possible to propose a full panel: every panel will feature 3 or 4
presentations on a common theme. Every panel must also feature a
leader, whose duty is to introduce and guide the discussion. For a
panel proposal please send the abstracts of the single presentation
and a brief introduction to the panel (maximum 200 words).

A registration fee will be requested. There will also be special
suggestions concerning the accommodation during the whole week.

For any information please contact the scientific director:

Conference website:


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