On 17/07/13 12:05, Dominic Fandrey wrote:
On 17/07/2013 07:46, Zachary wrote:
This is how much I care that a closed source mod, that is moving to a closed 
source licensed version of quake 3, doesn't work with ioquake3:

Not at all.

I agree that their decisions are at least alienating. Their "no modding"
policy is ridiculous to the point of being offensive.

There remains the issue that ioq3 1.36 release runs UT 4.2 just fine,
whereas current ioq3 doesn't. So there must be a change in ioq3 that
causes it and I'd consider it worth investigating, despite the questionable

If you could do a git bisect you'll be able to find the offending revision.

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