>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org> writes:
    Paul> Greetings again. The authors of the DH checks draft have
    Paul> submitted a significantly-revised draft based on the input of
    Paul> the WG Last Call. See
    Paul> http://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh-checks-02
    Paul> for the difference.

I don't see my suggested text for section 2.2, or any change to the text.

At this point, I understand what section 2.2 is trying to say
sufficiently well that I can't really tell if the existing text is clear
enough for me.

    Paul> Based on the amount of new material, I want to have another
    Paul> (albeit shorter) WG Last Call for this new version of the
    Paul> draft. Please send comments to the WG by Monday, April

The additional material seems clear enough to me.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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