On woensdag, sep 24, 2003, at 13:31 Europe/Amsterdam, Thomas Narten wrote:

It's even worse than that. If you are residential user, try finding a
home router that is actually a Real Router. I've come to the
unfortunate conclusion that they no longer exist.  The market
landscape has shifted dramatically. All home routers come with NAT
builtin and the functionality can simply _NOT_ be disabled.

Is this surprising if you only want to pay $40? I don't think the landscape has shifted, because people never used to have routers of any kind in their homes.

I spent 500 euros on a Cisco 826 ADSL router (yes, original meaning of the word although I must admit I have it do NAT) and an Apple base station, and it's well worth the additional money to have a router that actually does what I want (which includes forwarding IP unmolested) and a base station that sits transparently between the wired and wireless LANs. And this combo supports IPv6 the way it was intended. (But the router terminates a tunnel, I didn't want to spend more money on DSL service that supports native v6 although that's of course much cooler.)

Given the current feature/functionaliy/price point reality of home
routers, getting them to implement reasonable functionality as an IPv6
router seems like it will be a rather hard sell. :-(

For stuff like this all costs except shipping and support eventually approach zero when the numbers get bit enough. Putting in an IPv6 stack that takes an automatically configured IPv4 address and sets up 6to4 would take some development, but that's well worth it if you can sell a few million additional boxes because these boxes allow more than a single computer in a household to do peer to peer file sharing.

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