
For the most part, agree with all of your points of clarification;
thanks. One item for further discussion:

Brian Haberman wrote:

Long period of time, perhaps, but how long is difficult to quantify. Again, perhaps this is a question for the [BAKER] renumbering draft.

I think it is quite pertinent to this draft. How long must an
address remain stable in order to satisfy this document's stability

I think this question is going to be very much dependent on
the use case scenarios. For example, in the future we may see
deeply-networked homes in which we will have long-lived
sessions, such as playing a 3hr video between the DVD player
and home theater system. Indeed, there may be "always-on"
sessions such as the home-security system monitoring
intrusion-detection sensors around the house.

On the other end of the spectrum, we will have highly-mobile
environments, e.g., a vehicle that visits different Internet access
points (and receives different prefix advertisements) every five
miles or so it travels down the road.

So, where do we draw the line?


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