> My crystal ball is as cloudy as anyone's. But I would expect that it is all 
> a matter of economics. 
I very much agree with you on this point. The problem is that right now
it's too hard to sell IPv6 (in the literal sense of the word). I believe
that one of the reasons for this is that some features that are
theoretically distinctly easier to realise with IPv6, e.g. easier
end-to-end security or de-NAT-ification because of bigger address space,
need a lot of improvement and development to be deployable in a
commercial surrounding. E.g., unless there are (simplified speaking)
stable and good interoperable IPsec implementations for improved
end-to-end security and a good number of firewalls with stateful
filtering to really replace current v4 solutions that employ NAT, it
will be difficult to convince sales people that there actually is
something about IPv6 that can be sold as a feature that makes it better
than IPv4 (if we leave aside IPv4 address exhaustion for the moment).

It would make sense to look into which implementations need to be
programmed first to create a market for IPv6 and to write proposals on
what kind of implementations that might be. However, I believe that this
is not the IETF's task, or is it?


JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
A DFN project                   Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
http://www.join.uni-muenster.de Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung
Team: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Röntgenstrasse 9-13
Priv: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    D-48149 Münster / Germany
GPG-/PGP-Key-ID: 1DFAAA9A       Fon: +49 251 83 31639, Fax: +49 251 83 31653

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