% > is currently impossible to resolve DNS names over IPv6 transport, 
% > because the roots don't support IPv6 transport, none of the 
% > major gTLDs supports IPv6 transport and very few, if any, TLDs
% > support IPv6 glue records for delegated domains.
% Apparently there is work being done on this, but it is not very public.
% We have www.rs.net providing this for some time, but unfortunatly
% it has some issues: it doesn't allow 'access' to non-IPv6 capable
% domains and there isn't a european part of that deployment; yet, I understood.

        last I checked, sweden was nearly european... :)
        and rs.net has full access to IPv4 only domains as 
        w/in the rs.net testbed all the roots are native IPv6 enabled
        and there are ~12 TLDs w/ fully IPv6 native servers.
        all of those TLDs support IPv6 registration for domains.

        its not quite as bad as you portray, in the testbed.

Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

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