On 15 Oct, Jeroen Massar wrote:
| > That's all protocol stuff. Hopefully all of 
| > this can be fixed in the not too distant future. But there there is 
| > another extremely important issue that (in my not so humble opinion) 
| > must absolutely be fixed before making any such statement: 
| > the DNS. It 
| > is currently impossible to resolve DNS names over IPv6 transport, 
| > because the roots don't support IPv6 transport, none of the 
| > major gTLDs supports IPv6 transport and very few, if any, TLDs
| > support IPv6 glue records for delegated domains.
| Apparently there is work being done on this, but it is not very public.

==> AFNIC (French Registry) has been running an official IPv6-capable
name server (ns3.nic.fr) for fr zone (also secondary for a dozzen of
other TLDs) since November 2001. AFNIC has been officially making
AAA-glue-aware-domain-name-delegations since 1st October 2003 (see the
announcement relayed by the IPv6 Task Force mailing-list).  More than
70 fr sub-zones are now served by IPv6-capable (IPv6 transport) name

| We have www.rs.net providing this for some time, but unfortunatly
| it has some issues: it doesn't allow 'access' to non-IPv6 capable
| domains and there isn't a european part of that deployment; yet, I
| understood.

==> Sounds ver strange... FR zone (it is a European for instance) has
been connected to rs.net (formerly OTDR) for more than one year
now. Both ns[12].dnssec.nic.fr (which are authoritative for FR zone in
rs.net testbed) support both IPv4 and IPv6 transport...

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