> Clearly many users care a lot about the isolation and little about the
> functionality that you believe is being limited.  Rather than trying to
> convince them that they are wrong for wanting to keep their networks
> running, how about proposing a way to achieve that isolation without
> limiting the functionality that you want to preserve?  If we cannot
> implement such a solution (and I doubt that we can since it changes the
> economics of address rentals), do you really think it is reasonable to
> demand that everyone give up what they need to have what you think they
> should want?
I don't think that it is about giving up what you need. With a combined
v4/v6-capable firewall- and v4-NAT box you could easily achieve the same
level of isolation of a subnet but without the restrictions for IPv6
hosts that are forced on v4-hosts by v4-NAT. (In this case: if you want
to be dual-stacked you keep v4 NAT and use v6 with appropriate firewall
rules.) So this should not be much of a problem.

However, I absolutely agree with what you said about IPv6 address
changes. I guess it is all about taking the choice of the addresses away
from the applications in some way or the other (e.g. by stuffing it into
the IP-stack of the system). One could also stay on the application
level and create a reliable and portable standard library that handles
the address issue transparently for the more abstract app that uses it.
This would clearly help application developers a lot. There exist a few
such apps and libs that already try to deal with this problem. Of course
there will always be some cases where an explicit choice of the
transport address may be useful but this does not speak against an
application independent solution to this problem.


P.S.: The "choice of address" issue is obviously a similar issue in
dual-stack environments. Right now, most v4/v6-capable applications are
almost unpredictable when it comes to choosing a v4 or v6 address and
falling back to one or the other (if that is an option) because it's up
to the developer's taste how to do it.

JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
A DFN project                   Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
http://www.join.uni-muenster.de Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung
Team: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Röntgenstrasse 9-13
Priv: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    D-48149 Münster / Germany
GPG-/PGP-Key-ID: 1DFAAA9A       Fon: +49 251 83 31639, Fax: +49 251 83 31653

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